Our comprehensive therapy programs are unique to every child


We combine medical care with behavioral and developmental therapies to support neurodiverse children more completely, and more successfully.

  • Our multidisciplinary team works together to coordinate your child’s care
  • We provide care where it works best for your child and your family
  • We’ll help you manage your health plan coverage

We bring four effective areas of care together

Medical care image

Medical Care

We provide testing for genetic and metabolic causes of autism, and we specialize in treating its common conditions, including seizures, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal symptoms, anxiety, ADHD, emotional dysregulation, and more.

Services include:

  • Chromosomal analysis and gene sequencing

  • Mitochondrial and other metabolic testing

  • Electroencephalography (EEG)

  • Nutrition evaluation, supplementation, and management

  • Medication management

  • Device TherapiesDetailed info about Device Therapies

Doctor Goh sits with a child while the child plays with brightly colored toys

Applied Behavior Analysis

Our therapists take a naturalistic approach to ABA that’s built around positive, caring relationships. Children learn new skills in everyday settings, and we tailor goals and strategies to each child’s strengths and each family’s priorities.

Services include:

  • One-to-one parent coaching 

  • Group parent coaching

  • One-to-one ABA therapy (in-home, in-center, or in the community)

  • Group ABA therapy (in-center or in the community)

  • Pre-K Readiness Early Intervention Program

A child lays across a soft indoor swing and reaches for brightly colored balls strewn across the floor

Developmental Therapies

We combine a range of different therapeutic tools to help children achieve common goals, including self-regulation, language comprehension and fluency, independent self-care and feeding, coordination and mobility, attention and engagement, and emotional regulation.

Services include:

  • Speech-Language Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Physical Therapy

  • Music Therapy

A family with two parents and two children sit on a couch across from a person in the foreground holding paper and talking to the parents.


Our counselors provide high quality mental healthcare in a compassionate and understanding environment, available to the whole family. We use a variety of research-based approaches, including Solution-focused, Narrative, Play-based, Strength-based, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Areas where we can help include:

  • Challenging behavior

  • Coping skills

  • Family dynamics

  • Feelings like sadness, loneliness, or worry

  • Daily well-being

Complete care for 
the whole child

We see accelerated growth when all four areas of care work in concert. It’s a comprehensive approach that’s greater than the sum of its parts, and it produces life-changing results.

Cortica Care Model Diagram

Diagnostic Assessment

We provide accurate diagnoses for autism, ADHD, developmental delays, and the full range of developmental differences. Our findings allow us to bring the right set of therapies together for your child. Here are just a few of the standardized assessments we use:


Childhood Autism Rating Scale


Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised


Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule


Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales


Cortica's Pre-K Readiness Early Intervention Program

Our intensive group therapy program for children with autism, ages 2 to 6, prepares them for mainstream kindergarten. They’ll participate in circle time, arts and crafts, music, play, and other activities in a group setting. The PREP curriculum supports children as they acquire the social, communication, cognitive, and motor skills necessary to succeed in mainstream classrooms.

  • Approximately 15-20 hours per week in your local Cortica center

  • Additional individual ABA service are offered in-home, if needed

  • Billed through eligible insurance plans

A woman sits at a table with multiple children and helps them with a shape puzzle

Meet some of our clinicians

Cortica's team is made up of talented, compassionate professionals who value neurodiversity and strive every day to help children succeed.

Coordinated Care From a World-Class Team

We bring expertise, dedication and kindness to every discipline, ensuring that your child receives care from the very best.

  • Medical Specialists
    • Pediatricians
    • Developmental Pediatricians
    • Pediatric Neurologists
    • Nurse Practitioners
    • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
    • EEG Technicians
  • ABA
    • Board-certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA)
    • Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT)
    • Board-certified Autism Technicians (BCAT)
  • Developmental Therapies
    • Speech-Language Therapists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Music Therapists
    • Physical Therapists
  • Counselors
    • Marriage and Family Therapists
    • Clinical Social Workers
    • Professional Clinical Counselors