We’re happy to work with your family to understand your child’s school needs and optimal level of support. If you’d like to learn more about our school services, send an email to schools@corticacare.com with the following information:
Your name
The name and grade of your child
Whether you are a current Cortica client
Your school district
If your child has an IEP that provides ABA support in school
In most cases, a student must have an active IEP that includes behavioral intervention support in order to receive Cortica’s ABA services in school.
Schools may have contracts with other agencies or providers, and they may choose any of their in-district or contracted agencies for a student’s ABA support and will make the final decisions regarding support, staffing, and other related matters.
Please note that Cortica cannot offer specific guidance on a child’s education program or how to advocate for ABA services from schools.