Stimming behaviors, also known as self-stimulatory behaviors, are actions that a person repeatedly performs because they find the sensation enjoyable or comforting [1]. Such behaviors often stimulate one or more senses. For instance:  

  • Visual stims might involve staring at spinning objects, flicking fingers in front of the eyes, or watching a repetitive movement 

  • Tactile stims could include rubbing or scratching the skin, tapping objects, or touching specific textures 

  • Auditory stims often involve making or listening to specific sounds, such as humming, tapping, or repetitive noises 

  • Proprioceptive stims include actions that involve movement or positioning, like rocking back and forth, bouncing, or spinning 

While everyone engages in some form of stimming (like tapping a pencil or bouncing a leg), it's especially common and pronounced among people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [2]. Their stims can be more frequent, varied, and noticeable. 

Two young children playing with visual stimming toys.

Stimming and Autism: The Connection 

For children with ASD, stimming can serve multiple functions, including:  

  • Self-Soothing: Some children with ASD may stim to calm themselves when they are stressed or overwhelmed. Stimming can provide comfort during moments of heightened sensory input or emotional distress [3]. 

  • Emotional Expression: Stimming can also serve as a form of non-verbal communication. Because autistic children may struggle to express their feelings verbally, stimming may help express excitement, anxiety, or other intense emotions [4]. 

  • Focus and Concentration: For some, stimming helps with concentration and focus. Engaging in a specific repetitive behavior can filter out distracting sensory input, making it easier to concentrate on a task or idea [5].  

Understanding the Impact of Stims 

Stimming is neither inherently good nor bad. It's a natural behavior that everyone engages into some extent. For autistic people, it can often serve critical roles in self-soothing, emotional expression, and focus [1]. 

However, the impact of stimming largely depends on the type, frequency, and intensity of the behavior. If a person's stimming behaviors are harmless and do not interfere with their daily functioning, they are generally considered acceptable, and even beneficial [2].  

Yet, some forms of stimming can be harmful or disruptive. For instance, stimming behaviors that cause self-injury (like head-banging or excessive scratching) or significantly interfere with daily activities (such as learning, social interactions, or tasks) may need to be addressed [3]. 

Therapies to Help Manage Negative Stimming Behaviors 

Several therapies and strategies can help manage negative or harmful stimming behaviors: 

1. Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapists can work with autistic children to develop healthier coping mechanisms. They can also provide sensory integration therapy, which can help manage sensory overload and potentially reduce the need for stims that cause self-harm or disruption [4]. 

2. Applied behavior analysis (ABA): ABA is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. It can be used to help autistic children replace stims causing self-harm or disruption with other behaviors [6]. 

3. Physical Activity: Regular physical activity can help manage stimming. Activities like swimming, running, or yoga can provide sensory input and help reduce the need for stimming.  

4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT can be effective in helping children understand and manage their feelings, which may reduce the need for stims [5]. 

A therapist and a young girl playing with building blocks during a therapy session.

How to Approach Stimming in Autistic Children 

When addressing stimming behavior, it's vital to prioritize children’s safety and well-being. If the stimming behavior is harmless and doesn't interfere with a child’s daily life or functioning, it may just be accepted as part of their unique way of interacting with the world. It is also important to always work with the individual to choose an approach, whether it be one of the options mentioned above or an alternative solution. Talk with your child about their stims to understand how they play a role in their self-expression or self-regulation. 

If the stimming is disruptive, harmful, or significantly interferes with daily activities, professional intervention may be necessary. Occupational therapists, music therapists, or behavior analysts can devise strategies to manage and modify these behaviors. These professionals can help guide a child toward safer, less harmful, and less disruptive forms of stimming [6]. 



[1] Steward, R. (2011). The Independent Woman's Handbook for Super Safe Living on the Autistic Spectrum. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

[2] Baker, A. E. Z., Lane, A., Angley, M. T., & Young, R. L. (2008). The relationship between sensory processing patterns and behavioural responsiveness in autistic disorder: a pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(5), 867–875. 

[3] Lang, R., O’Reilly, M., Healy, O., Rispoli, M., Lydon, H., Streusand, W., Davis, T., Kang, S., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., Didden, R., & Giesbers, S. (2012). Sensory integration therapy for autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 1004–1018. 

[4] South, M., Ozonoff, S., & McMahon, W. M. (2005). Repetitive behavior profiles in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35(2), 145–158. 

[5] Gabriels, R. L., Agnew, J. A., Miller, L. J., Gralla, J., Pan, Z., Goldson, E., Ledbetter, J. C., Dinkins, J. P., & Hooks, E. (2008). Is there a relationship between restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and interests and abnormal sensory response in children with autism spectrum disorders? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(4), 660–670. 

[6] Green, S. A., Ben-Sasson, A., Soto, T. W., & Carter, A. S. (2012). Anxiety and sensory over-responsivity in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: Bidirectional effects across time. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(6), 1112–1119.