Massachusetts, which has a higher prevalence of autism when compared with other states, offers a wealth of options for children with autism and their families. Here are some points to keep in mind for caregivers when assessing these options. 

A physician helping a child during an appointment.

High Autism Rates in Massachusetts   

Massachusetts has garnered attention for its notably high autism rates. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Massachusetts has one of the highest autism prevalence rates in the United States. While the national average stands at approximately 1 in 54 children, Massachusetts reports rates as high as 1 in every 34 children in certain studies. This rate is significantly higher than in many other states, indicating a critical need for specialized services and support.   

Why does Massachusetts have a higher autism rate?  

  1. Enhanced Awareness and Screening: Massachusetts has been at the forefront of autism research and awareness thanks to its leading hospitals and universities. This heightened awareness likely leads to more frequent and earlier diagnoses. Additionally, comprehensive screening programs in the state are more prevalent, allowing for early detection and intervention. 

  2. Healthcare Access and Reporting Practices: The state's robust healthcare system, coupled with meticulous reporting practices, contributes to more accurate and higher reported rates of autism. Access to healthcare means more families are able to get their children evaluated and diagnosed

  3. Environmental and Genetic Research: Some research suggests that environmental factors, possibly in combination with genetic predispositions, could play a role in autism rates. In Massachusetts, ongoing research in this area is examining the potential links between environmental factors and increased autism prevalence. 

  4. Educational System's Role: The state’s education system, known for its rigor and inclusivity, also plays a role in identifying children with autism. Schools in Massachusetts are equipped to recognize and refer children who might be on the spectrum, ensuring they receive the necessary evaluations and support. 

Treatment Options: Medical Care from Expert Physicians  

A key aspect of comprehensive autism care is medical support, especially from a medical professional with expertise in neurodevelopment. Physicians and nurse practitioners who have specialized training in childhood brain development are uniquely qualified to manage the complex needs of children with autism. When choosing a medical practitioner, look for someone who is not only experienced and knowledgeable about autism but also compassionate and responsive to your child's needs. Selecting a professional who is in-network with your insurance can help you to avoid or minimize unexpected costs.  Meet some of Cortica’s expert physicians licensed in Massachusetts:  

Treatment Options: In-Center and In-Home ABA Therapy  

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely recognized therapeutic approach to autism. In Massachusetts, families can access both in-center and in-home ABA services. In-center therapy provides a structured environment for learning, while in-home therapy offers opportunities to learn daily living skills in a natural environment. An effective ABA program should be tailored to an individual’s needs, should be led by certified therapists, and should include regular progress assessments.

Both in-center and in-home ABA can incorporate naturalistic teaching strategies. This means using naturally occurring teaching moments and the interests of the child to guide the session. This approach can make learning more engaging and relevant for the child. Therapists might use play-based techniques, integrate therapy into daily activities, or focus on communication within natural interactions. The goal is to create a more dynamic and flexible learning environment where skills are learned in the context where they’ll be used and can be more easily generalized to new situations.

Treatment Options: Developmental Therapies

Speech-Language Therapy  

Speech-language therapy focuses on improving verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Look for speech therapists who have experience with autism and employ a variety of techniques to engage and motivate children. Effective speech therapy should be individualized, goal-oriented, and incorporate fun and interactive activities.  

Occupational Therapy  

Occupational therapy for autism focuses on developing life skills, sensory integration, and motor skills, with a child’s specific needs and challenges in mind. Many occupational therapists have specific experience with autism and use a range of therapeutic activities to improve independence and daily functioning. Look for therapists who have access to a gym area and can integrate toys, structures, swings, and other equipment to promote sensory-motor skill development.

Music Therapy  

Music therapy can be a valuable part of autism care and improve communication, social skills, and emotional regulation. Look for music therapy programs that are specifically tailored to autism and are led by certified music therapists who understand how to engage children effectively and enjoyably through music.

Treatment Options: Mental Health Counseling and Family Wellness  

Mental health counseling and family wellness are crucial for supporting not just the individual with autism, but the entire family. Mental health services offer emotional support, strategies for managing stress, and guidance on navigating the challenges of autism. Seek counseling services that are empathetic, knowledgeable about autism, and able to provide practical support. Some clinicians may offer counseling services to caregivers only, but there are added benefits if a therapist or counselor offers services for all family members, including children.

Explore Our Comprehensive Therapy Centers in Massachusetts 

Cortica offers comprehensive autism services by an integrated, compassionate team of professionals, including medical care, ABA therapy, developmental therapies and counseling, at our centers in:  

  1. Burlington, MA 

  2. Dedham, MA 

  3. Shrewsbury 

  4. West Springfield  

No matter where you decide to access autism care in Massachusetts when selecting clinicians and services, consider their expertise in autism, their approach to individualized care, and their compatibility with your insurance plan to ensure the best possible support for your loved one. 

A young family playing together inside thier house.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder." CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. 

2. [Academic Journal]. "Socioeconomic Status and Its Relation to Autism Diagnoses in Massachusetts." 

3. [Environmental Research Study]. "Exploring Environmental Factors in Autism: A Massachusetts-Based Study."